Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Horrifying Revenge

After going down to the lowest rated player in the tournament, Anand was obviously an unhappy man. One can only imagine the furious determination to avenge that loss. Minutes ago, the Indian master inflicted upon Kasimdhanov what IM Bill Paschall (commentating on chess.fm) called a horrifying game.

"He's just pulverising him. It's horrifying", said Paschall.

Co-commentator GM Greg Kaidanov ducked out momentarily for the press conference and returned with some tidbits. Apparently, Kasimdhanov thought that Anand's 13. Na5 was not such a big deal. Understandable since after all, it was played only once, recently, with that game ending in a draw.

The stem encounter was in Bologan-Gelfand, Merida 2005. There, Gelfand continued with 13...Nd7. But this morning, Kasim opted for 13...Rc8. According to Anand, Kasim's choice was't a good one.

The final position deserves a diagram. More updates later while we wait for Svidler - Morozevich to finish.

After 29. Rd7, 1-0

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